
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hesitant Expectancy

In hesitant expectancy 
We step forth – 
Mindful of future hopes, 
Remembering past experiences, 
Praying for guidance along the way. 

If only we were so. 

forgetting the past 
grasping for the future, 
we trip on ourselves 
but never notice the fall 
till we call on ourselves 
for rescue 
and wonder why we wander 
lost, alone 
without hope.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mercy in the Blood

Mercy in the Blood 
that swallows me whole. 
Yet darkness 
I court.

Broken Doll

Broken doll 
cast Aside; 
cracked face with 
permanent Smile - 
empty eyes. 

Little girl sobs 
in huddled Heap; 
Warrior stands over, 
shoulders slumped but 
sword ready. 
Who is the enemy? 
Those that prowl the wall 
or little girl?